What We Do

Sustainable Landscapes

© Conservation International photo by John Martin

Whether you work on a farm, in a factory or in an office, your livelihood depends on nature.

© Conservation International photo by L Gonsalves

Nature’s ability to provide for us is being stretched to its limit. It’s more than an environmental problem. It’s an economic problem, too.


Forward thinking policies and practices must be in place to help secure a healthy and sustainable future for Guyana. We’re providing innovative tools and knowledge to help the government, companies and communities make decisions that will benefit Guyanese now and for generations to come. From promoting forest-friendly activities like prospecting exercises before mining to participating in ecotourism to helping local indigenous communities adopt more sustainable business practices, CI is helping protect natural resources and boost income for local communities.


The most fundamental aspect of our approach is to protect the places that we cannot afford to lose – the spectacular but vulnerable places on land and at sea that are especially important to humanity, the places that provide our food, water and the air we breathe.

El Dorado Gold

El Dorado Gold addresses the policy, technological, financial and other challenges faced in ensuring that mining is done in a responsible manner. In particular, this project focuses on environmentally friendly and mercury-free mining.

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Guyana: Resilient and One

Guyana: Resilient and One (GRO) is a collaboration between ExxonMobil Foundation, CI and the University of Guyana. It is a programme to advance Guyana’s sustainable economy through investments in education, research, sustainable management and conservation of the country’s vast ecosystems.

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Sustainable Villages

Sustainable Villages is a tool for communities to achieve their own long-term development goals. It has decentralized decision-making to a village and community level. More than 12,000 indigenous peoples in over 54 villages practice sustainable village planning.

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Plan of Action for Regional Development

In the Rupununi, the culture and traditions of the local people are strong and there is a general desire to maintain these in the face of rapid development.

The Rupununi is currently transitioning from a subsistence based economy to an integrated market-based (cash) economy. As greater economic development unfolds, there is increased pressure on ecosystems and a shift in the understanding of, and value attached to the ecosystem services provided.

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