Call for Applications 2024

Amazonia Indigenous Women’s Fellowship

June 2024-  June 2025

Program background

The Amazonia Indigenous Women’s Fellowship is a Conservation International initiative (CI) in partnership with the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin, COICA. The Program seeks to amplify the actions of Indigenous women who propose innovative socioenvironmental initiatives. The Program works to promote the contributions of Indigenous women who are shaping climate solutions, transforming systems of participation in conservation, resource governance, and territorial management based on their both innovative and traditional knowledge.

The program has four strategic pillars: Advocacy and participation of Indigenous women in the Amazon region; capacity building in project management; knowledge sharing and networking; and replicable socioenvironmental actions.

In order to have a greater diversity of Indigenous women leaders in the Amazon, the Program works through three types of funding opportunities: open calls through our public applications, direct calls through invitations to women leaders with local presence in the communities, and project extensions through additional grants to ongoing initiatives that are aligned to local, national and regional achievements as well as the objectives in the projects led by the women.

Participants in the program will have the opportunity to be in close coordination and collaboration with CI advisors, learn about the initiatives of other Indigenous women committed to socioenvironmental transformations, exchanging knowledge and building consensus on how they can further develop their leadership. All this adds to the Indigenous women’s movement in the Amazon basin.

This initiative is aligned to the mandates that emerged from the First Summit of Indigenous Women of the Amazon Basin, held in October 2021. This included the participation of 170 women leaders from the 511 Indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin. This event created the baseline for strengthening the Indigenous women’s movement in the Amazon and the terms for seeking greater participation in decision-making spaces through the development of effective leadership.


CI- Amazonia

CI Amazonia is working closely with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to conserve 80% of the Amazon and ensure increased prosperity and human well-being. The Program is aligned with CI’s actions in the Amazon. towards expanding the capacities of Indigenous peoples and local communities to develop conditions and strengthen Indigenous leadership.

As of April 11, 2024, the Amazonia Indigenous Women’s Fellowship begins the open call for the fourth round of selection of fellowships, which will last 12 months, formally beginning in June 2024 and ending in June 2025. This fellowship opportunity awards funds to the 24 best ideas for socioenvironmental transformation and action. The goal is to enhance Indigenous women’s leadership, so they further influence strategies, actions, climate stability and conservation policies in Indigenous territories of the Amazon in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname.

Guiding principles for selection of proposals

The Amazonia Women’s Fellowship Program supports leadership principles that:

  • Improve gender balance in conservation decision-making
    The program looks for local leaders that will change the dynamics of decision-making processes
    and reduce gender gaps in local, national and regional conservation spaces. We are looking for
    women leaders who want to show how their idea will enhance women’s meaningful participation
    in conservation and nature-based climate solutions.
  • Promote the creation and consolidation of networks of women leaders.
    We look for women leaders who are working to foster the exchange of experiences, the
    recognition and implementation of Indigenous peoples’ rights, and amplification of Indigenous
    women´s voices of through a collaborative network.
  • Foster innovation
    The program seeks bold ideas that spark the imagination, propose creative socioenvironmental
    solutions, inspire change at the local and regional level, and build on the legacy of ancestral and
    traditional knowledge.

Project themes

Based on the past three editions and the areas identified by the participants, the following themes were determined (these are suggested areas of work, not limiting or exclusive):

  1. Economic empowerment of indigenous women (sustainable production and food sovereignty).
  2. Leadership and strengthening of indigenous organizations.
  3. Recovery and revitalization of ancestral knowledge (health, art, sports, wellness, intergenerational exchange, language and culture).
  4. Governance of natural resources (use, control and decision making).
  5. Advocacy and raising awareness of environmental issues (climate policies and actions; protection and conservation).
  6. Indigenous rights and legal recognition (self-government/autonomy).
  7. Education, training, professional development linked to the search for socio-environmental solutions in indigenous territories, communities and/or organizations.

Support provided for the fellows

Selected women leaders will have access to:

Leadership Development:

  • A customized framework with the guidance of a local advisor to build and increase leadership skills and competencies and develop the strategies necessary for their proposals to achieve the expected outcomes and desired impacts.
  • Ongoing support focused on self-confidence and resilience to achieve personal and grant goals.


  • A local advisor who accompanies the experience and connects leaders with opportunities according to the needs of their projects (project management, budgeting, reporting, monitoring and evaluation).
  • Seed funding of $US.10,000 (Ten thousand US dollars) for project implementation within 12 calendar months.

Community support:

  • Virtual and face-to-face meetings and events to exchange experiences and consolidate networks with other fellows and institutions.
  • Connection and collaboration with Conservation International in your country, with the opportunity to visit the office and share your experiences.
  • A proactive communications team with experience in amplifying the voices of Indigenous peoples.

Geographic Scope/Coverage

The geographic scope of this call includes the Amazon territories of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname. The proposal must also be implemented in the area that makes up the Amazon biome or transition zones.

Selection criteria

As you work on your application, we recommend that you review the following criteria that will guide the evaluation of your proposal. Each of them has equal value and weight when being evaluated, so we urge you to take the time to reflect on your responses so that they are presented accurately.

If there are any criteria that you do not meet when completing the application form, consider including them as competencies and skills that you wish to develop during the implementation of your project or initiative.

Area of action: Is your project in the geographical area that makes up the Amazon biome? Will it be implemented in the countries indicated?

Relevance in promoting Indigenous women’s leadership: does the proposal demonstrate the capacity to promote ideas and contribute to the wellbeing of the community and Indigenous women? Do the activities seek to promote the participation of youth, men, boys, girls, adults and wise people in a culturally appropriate manner?

Creativity: Does the proposal offer innovative ways to address the priority needs of Indigenous women and their communities? Do the ideas value and build on ancestral and traditional knowledge? Do the processes and outcomes seek to produce replicable and adaptable results?

Feasibility: Are the actions in the proposal realistic in terms of scope, time, budget and activities? Does the proposal present a plan for the results to be sustained or continued in the communities after the project is completed?

Coherence: Is there alignment with the project themes of the call? Does the proposal clearly explain the objectives, specific activities, budget and results?

Desired conditions

Below is a list of conditions that we believe are important to facilitate the support that the program provides to the fellows; however, this list is not exclusive. If you find you do not meet these conditions while filling out the application form, please consider including them in your capacity building requirements that you would like to receive in the program.

  • Digital connectivity: Ability to access email, WhatsApp and virtual platforms at least once a week. This is an important requirement when submitting a proposal since it ensures more effective coordination and follow-up; facilitates the participation in networks; and ensures access to relevant and timely information that supports projects and initiatives.
  • Community management and leadership: knowledge and experience in management of community activities, leadership in associations or organizations would be an asset.
  • Basic financial management: knowledge and skills in financial execution, expenditure planning and account control would be an asset.
  • Bank account: access to a bank, cooperative or financial agency to receive funds is desirable for better management and traceability of funds to be awarded to the selected proposals.
  • Speaking and communication skills: Effective communication skills in Spanish, English, Dutch or Portuguese is desired.

Selection deadline

The call for proposals will be open for a period of one month, from April 11, 2024 to May 3, 2024.

Evaluation and selection process

Public launch of the programApril 11
Proposal submissionApril 11 – May 3
Question and answer periodApril 11 – May 3
Proposals review May 3 - May 17
Fellows' selectionMay 23

Fellows' notificationMay 23 - 28
Signing of agreementsMay 28 – June 4
Start of Program 2024June 17, 2024
End of ProgramJune 17, 2025
Regional ExchangeOctober 2024

Application forms

  • Application form (click here) Send the completed form to your country’s e-mail address (see contact information below).

Questions & Answers

During the week of April 11 to May 3, applicants can submit questions via WhatsApp to clarify doubts about the selection criteria, application process, evaluation and monitoring, required or desired competencies and skills.

Please contact: (592) 640 7015

Evaluation Committee

The Evaluation Committee will be made up of COICA representatives of and/or its national affiliates and Conservation International.

Contact information

If you have specific questions about the criteria for this fellowship application, please send your questions to e-mail address