About Us

About CI-Guyana

© Pete Oxford


Our ultimate goal is to protect the most fundamental things that nature provides to all of us: our food, our fresh water, our livelihoods and a stable climate.

Since 1989, CI has been working in Guyana focusing on species conservation and supporting efforts to establish a national system of protected areas as part of its broader mission to protect nature for the benefit of all. Globally, CI works at every level from villages to Presidents and heads of corporations to find solutions and support the move towards a healthier, more sustainable development path. Through science, policy, and partnerships with countries, communities and companies, CI, over the years, has helped support 1,200 protected areas and interventions across 77 countries, safeguarding more than 601 million hectares of land, marine and coastal areas.


Building upon a strong foundation of science, partnership and field demonstration, CI empowers societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, our global biodiversity, for the well-being of humanity.


We imagine a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are forever committed to caring for and valuing nature, for the long-term benefit of people and all life on Earth.


CI-Guyana brings together our strong capacity to design and implement effective local solutions that respond to local and national priorities, and the reach of a global network from which experiences and expertise can be drawn. In pursuing our 2025Vision, we will use sound science, demonstrate innovations on the ground, and build effective partnerships at the right levels to achieve programme impact. CI’s experience and capacity will affect and help shape how the country transforms itself from traditional dependence on natural resource extraction and primary production, to a diversified, green and resilient economy, in keeping with national green development objectives.

Our partnerships are essential to our success. Hence, a central thrust of our strategy is to enable people at all levels of Guyanese society to embrace and share the vision we see and to build their capacity to act for its achievement. Over the period 2018 to 2025, we will aim to achieve four goals, building on the successes and lessons of our work in previous strategy implementation periods. These goals cover the key areas in which our strengths as an institution can best support the achievement of our 2025Vision.